Heathdale flower Parent Centre


As we have been educating for over 40 years, our community reaches far and wide. It consists of our student alumni, staff & board alumni, founding families, our current parents and past families.

Join our alumni to stay connected with Heathdale Christian College life and receive invitations to alumni events throughout the year.

Heathdale flower Parent Centre

2025 Booklists

Please select the relevant drop-down lists below to find your child's booklist for the 2025 school year.

Prep to Year 6 - Stationary and some books are required as per the booklists below. Teachers will provide instructions for any book cover requirements. We ask that all stationary items are labelled with your child's name. Please bring these items on the first day of school.

Year 7 to Year 12
- These can be ordered directly from our book supplier (order form will be supplied) or you can purchase these independently. If sourcing independently, please ensure that the correct version/year of books are purchased.

Please note-
Some VCE textbooks will need to be ordered via the Edrolo portal, for the following VCE subjects: General Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Psychology. The cost of the online textbook and resource is $85. Instructions for ordering via Edrolo can be found here.

Ordering via Campion
- Booklist items ordered via Campion will be delivered via Australia Post in January 2025 to the nominated address that you enter during the online ordering process. The order code for all year levels for our school is HJJB. If you have any booklist enquiries, Campion Education can be contacted directly on 1300 433 982.

Ordering via Sustainable School Shop-
please ensure the correct version/year of books are purchased.

No books required for Kindergarten.

Heathdale flower Parent Centre


All Students (excluding Kinder) have access to Canvas, Heathdale Christian College's learning management system. This system provides our parents and guardians with regular feedback on their child's progress.

To download the Canvas app or for more help guides and information, please find the details below.

Heathdale flower Parent Centre

Career connection for students

Our aim is to provide our students with the latest information, helping to make decisions about future careers and life beyond school. You can use this site to locate University, TAFE and any other type of course across Australia, get information about the VCE, search for job vacancies and much more. Feel free to drop into the Careers Office if you have any questions.

Heathdale flower Parent Centre

ESafety - Parent resources

The Australian Government provide some fantastic resources for parents/guardians on their website. At this time of increased device use, we suggest all parents/guardians view and consider these resources for their family.

Heathdale flower Parent Centre

College Handbooks

When starting school, these College Handbooks provide parents with essential information for the school year.

We strive to keep this information as up to date as possible, however it is subject to change. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our sub-school offices.

Heathdale flower Parent Centre

Sunsmart UV Alert