Heathdale flower 15th October 2020

Year 6 Helpers & Book Week Dress Ups

Thanks to our Year 6 helpers, who made sure all our younger students made their way to class safely. There are a lot of dates coming thick and fast and a lot of fun to be had, too. Check them all out below.

Heathdale flower

This week’s return to campus has delivered to us a renewed buzz of excitement and activity in classrooms and the playgrounds. What a joy it has been to us all to welcome everyone back and the students have enjoyed catching up with their friends again. I wish to congratulate our parents and guardians for the wonderful work you have done throughout ‘Remote Learning 2’. Students are showing confidence and resilience as they settle into classroom learning programs amongst their peers. Reports from our Primary staff are that they are very pleased to see students making the most of all learning opportunities on our campus once more.

Well done and a warm welcome from our Primary Year 6 leaders

The primary student leaders were quick to step in and welcome younger students on Monday morning at the entrances to the school. Taking some by the hand, they led students to their classrooms and ensured they had met up with a few friends before going back to the school entry points to collect some more students. Thanks Year 6 students for your kind example of school community service. These students will continue to be out and about in their blue vests at lunchtimes to ensure students feel comfortable in the playground.

Hats/Summer Uniform

A reminder to all that Primary Uniform requirement for Term 4 is for students to wear a hat when outside. Hats should be worn by students for all outside activity including leaving at the end of the school day. It is suggested that students keep one hat at school in their classroom locker and one in their school bag, both clearly NAMED. Teachers will ask all students to wear their hat for outside play and sporting activities during this term.

The summer uniform is applicable in Term 4. We understand some children may have grown out of their uniform and therefore will be permitted to wear sports uniform or winter uniform until a new summer uniform item may be purchased. Noone have advised that due to Covid restrictions, they have limited summer dresses available for purchase however they expect a delivery of new stock late October/early November.

All girls with shoulder length hair or longer must have their hair tied back. No jewellery, wrist bands, connected watch devices or necklets are permitted, and may be confiscated for safe keeping if worn to school. A note to your child’s teacher is suggested to explain any deviation from our uniform during this time.

Grand Final Holiday, Mid-term Break & Student Free Days

As the date for the AFL grand final has moved, the grand final day holiday will be held this term on Friday 23rd October.

A reminder that Heathdale Christian College has its mid-term break Monday 2nd November and Tuesday 3rd November (Melbourne Cup Day). Our final Student Free Day for all Prep-Year 6 students on Friday 20th November at which time staff will be finalising reports. Please note these dates on your calendar. Big Childcare is available on our student free day only.

Dress-Up Day

This year for ‘Book Character Dress-Up Day’, Primary students are invited to come to school dressed up as a book character on Friday, October 30.

Students may also bring along one of their favourite books to share with the class. Please remember that simple or part costumes are recommended — e.g. a basic costume or distinctive hat. We request that students select a book character and not a movie or television character unless they are devised from a book or literary event. Please avoid any characters or book themes which may be frightening to younger children; such as witches, wizards, ghosts, or those that have a specific supernatural theme that may cause concerns.

There are many characters that promote positive and fun themes which we would endorse for our young children on this occasion. If you are unsure, please refer to your child’s teacher for some simple and engaging ideas.

We look forward to a fun day of literature and learning!