Heathdale flower 23rd June 2022

The Ultimate Gift

Something of value, something that reflects the giver's heart; what makes the ultimate gift? God gave us a priceless gift in Jesus, showing that no only is He generous to us, but He gives himself for us.

Heathdale flower

I was working with some colleagues recently, planning a training workshop that will be facilitated by a guest speaker. As we were putting the finishing touches to the workshop, one of my colleagues suggested that we need to buy a gift to present to the facilitator at the end of the workshop. This commenced a discussion on what would be a suitable gift that would show our appreciation for their facilitation. We were not able to name something at that time and I suggested to the team to leave this task to me. Since that time, I have been considering what could be an appropriate gift? I want it to be something of value, but also something that enables the facilitator to gain some understanding of our school; something that reflects the heart of our community.

As I was pondering possible gifts, I came across this passage from the New Testament book of Romans that spoke of the ‘ultimate gift’.

“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through Him God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:1 & 4)

As I read these verses, I began to recall that in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, there are many times different names for God are used. Each time a name is used it describe God’s character and helps the people have a deeper understanding of who God is. As many Bible commentators have noted, one of the most revealing names is Jehovah Jireh.

The name Jehovah Jireh comes about in the events described in Genesis Chapter 22, where Abraham prepares to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice, and God provides a substitute of a ram. The implication is gift of a ram is: God is willing to do more than give Himself to His creation – He is prepared to give Himself for it!

Quietly but purposefully, God is revealing His nature through His names. He is not only interested in giving gifts to His people; He is prepared to go to the utmost lengths when necessary and to give Himself.

As we sit with this powerful thought, there comes a hint as to why people were created in the first place. Like me, you too may have wondered why God dared to create people and allow them to be free to choose to follow Him. Why didn’t God make it that we need to follow Him just like we need to breath to stay alive? To allow people to freely choose to follow Him meant that God had to step back and allow our free will to operate. He chose not to coerce us, because if He did, our will would not be free.

But God did take that risk but with a condition that anything that fell on people would also fall on Him! In the events of Genesis 22 here, we see the unfolding of the name of Jehovah Jireh, that the most breath-taking and glorious truth is beginning to be revealed: God’s incredible gift is extended to us through Jesus Christ. This gift enables each of us to commune with God as we were designed to do. Now this is the ultimate gift!

This is one of the reasons why we start each day with Devotions during Homeroom time. Devotions, it provides us with an opportunity to say thank you to God for the gift He gave us in Jesus. Devotions give Staff and Students the time to consider the love of God that should make our hearts overflow in gratitude and thankfulness. Time to consider the love that would take such risks and carry the purpose through must inevitably face the cross. Such love is a gift that cannot be measured. We are a blessed people to know the depth of love God has for each of us though the ultimate gift of Jesus Christ.


Ross Grace
Executive Principal