Heathdale flower 14th October 2021

The Fabulousness of Frivolity and Fun

What we are looking forward to about Primary students coming back on-site and how we are preparing for it.

Heathdale flower

We are very excited to be welcoming some of our students back next week. Over the next two weeks, all classes will be back on site for a few days each week as they begin to transition into being on campus full-time from the 5th of November. We gladly look forward to hearing the joyful sounds of students being back on-site and seeing our classrooms buzzing with the excitement of student activity and learning. I am not sure who will be most excited between the students or the teachers! We are thankful to the Lord that He has sustained us and enabled us during the many challenges this year has brought.

In our Primary Office, several tasks are underway. Mr Lee is busy preparing the schedules for staff and classes; Mrs Birkett is making sure we have everything we need in the Office to once again greet our delightful students, and our teachers are once more beginning to flex their teaching programs and assessment plans to incorporate different requirements for each day of the week. Rooms are being prepared and our site has been cleaned and made ready.

Even though we will start slowly and surely, the return will no doubt bring its fabulousness of frivolity and fun, and we are all looking forward to the many smiles and greetings of happy students entering once again. We will be working to ensure each student settles in smoothly, and we will work to make the appropriate adjustments needed for full participation in classes.

One of the joys in reading the Psalms are the jewels of wisdom that we read. Psalm 28:7 tells us that it is the Lord that gives us strength. ‘He is like a shield that keeps me safe. My heart trusts in Him and he helps me.’ We will continue to pray for each student and each class as they resume, and we will be glad in God’s rich promises to us all as we continue to follow His ways and trust in Him.


Summer unform and hats should be worn this term. We understand some families may not have been able to purchase required items this year. If your child does not have a particular uniform item, please email your child’s teacher to explain.


This week we have supplied a letter to our Primary student families regarding our return to campus. Please take note of the information contained and contact us with any queries at werribeeprimary@heathdale.vic.edu.au if needed. We thank you for your ongoing support and patience as we transfer back to on campus learning this term.