Next week we conclude Term 1. It seems like it was just earlier this week that we were beginning and celebrating the commencement of the College year. During this term, in addition to our daily teaching and learning program, we have had a number of events, including Open Days, our Happy Hat Day Parade and more. Along with all other schools, we also completed NAPLAN this term. Now we have just a few days to go before school finishes on Thursday 6th of April.
On Wednesday 5th of April, we will hold a Year P-6 Cross Country event. Given the size of the school grounds, we are easily able to do this around one of our ovals, camp hill and the tennis courts. Then on the last day of term, next Thursday, we are very excited to be able to hold a Secondary Easter Prayer Breakfast and a special Primary Assembly, also with our attention on Easter.
Easter is central to the Christian faith. As a Christian school, we often talk about having a Christian worldview or our Biblical foundations. Essentially, our focus is on Jesus and how Christian discipleship is outworked through every aspect of life, including our approach to schooling. During Easter time, we celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice, his dying for us on Good Friday, as well as his overcoming of death as evidenced in the resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Given the significance of Easter, it is wonderful to be able to celebrate as a Primary School. The assembly will take place between recess and lunch.
I certainly hope that all have a reflective and restful Easter and April holiday period.