Last night’s Annual Music Concert gave us a musical feast that showcased the exciting talents of our young musicians and music teachers. Ably compèred by Mr Daniel Broadstock, and organised and coordinated by Mr David Filip, the evening swept us up in a journey of song, sound and story, performed by students from primary through to VCE years.
Beautiful music – whether it is quiet and sublime or stirring and challenging – does not come about without the dedication of many hours of practice and commitment. While our students are certainly talented, to produce a sound with voice or instrument that rises to the level of a competent performance, more than talent is required. Hard work is just as essential as talent. And to play an instrument to a high standard, that hard work must be regular, dedicated and ongoing over years and years.
It is why learning an instrument teaches a student much more than just how to play and make music. The journey of learning through dedication and commitment is a gift in itself.
The Annual Music Concert is one way we can celebrate the achievement of learning music and share the blessings of musical gifts as a community of music learners. Well done to all students involved and a big thank you to Mr Filip and all of the music staff involved.
Heathdale students all have regular classroom instruction in music from Prep to Year 8, after which time students can choose to continue with Music in their senior years of study, including opportunities to take both VCE Music and VET Music Industry skills in their VCE or VCAL studies. Additionally, students may audition to join one of our choirs, join one of several orchestra and ensemble groups, or take private voice or instrumental lessons onsite with one of our experienced instrumental teachers.
If you are interested in your child taking up voice or instrumental lessons in piano, woodwind, brass, percussion, guitar or strings, please ask our main reception for further information about our private instrumental teaching program. It’s never too late to learn the joy of making music!