Heathdale flower 21st July 2023

Singing My Heart Out!

Discover the captivating power of singing in creating unity, joy and a profound sense of belonging. Delve into scripture as it draws parallels to the songs in the Christian Bible, unveiling the transformative new song of redemption through Jesus Christ and inspiring believers to celebrate and glorify God through heartfelt singing.

Heathdale flower

My eldest son has the good fortune of being on holiday at the moment in South America.

He has spent the last week in Buenos Aires and as part of his time there, he went to a local football (soccer) game. He sent me a short clip via WhatsApp of over 120,000 fans singing the local side’s club song and waving their red and white flags leading to kick off.

Samuel, simply said, “I can honestly say, it’s the best sporting event I’ve ever been too. The singing is awesome!”

To classify it as the best ever was a big statement, as Samuel has had the opportunity to live in England for 12 months, and during this time, went to several English Premier League games. He also goes to most Melbourne Victory games and says that it’s a cultural thing to sing when you go to watch a game of football. For those who have watched soccer on TV, you would know that this is true; soccer fans love to sing!

Singing isn’t exclusive to soccer. At an AFL Grand Final, you can hear the crowd sing ‘Up There Cazaly.’ I recall watching the Rugby World Cup when it was held in Australia, and before every game, John Williamson would lead the crowd in singing ‘Once a Jolly Swagman.’ When crowds are united and sing like this, it is a stirring moment; a moment that unifies a mass of humanity; a moment of incredible joy that creates a sense of belonging and identity.

The Bible describes once such moment in Revelation.

“Then I heard every creature in Heaven and earth, in underworld and sea, join in, all voices in all places, singing: To the One on the Throne! To the Lamb! The blessing, the honour, the glory, the strength, for age after age after age.” Revelation 5:11-13 (The Message)

Singing and songs are constantly found throughout the Christian Bible. At creation, we read that the angelic hosts shouted and sang for joy. Moses sang, as did his sister Miriam after God protected the Israelites as they left Egypt for the promised land; David sang after he had been protected by God from Saul and his men; and Mary sang when she learnt she was carrying God’s Son.

Nowhere in the Bible do we find a song like the one listed in Revelation 5. It is a song not merely about the goodness of God, but a specific song of redemption of His people and it is described as a new song!

In the Old Testament, when a new song is crafted, it is to celebrate a new act of divine deliverance or intervention, and so it is here. Heaven now has a new song of distinction a new song of brilliance, a song about the ransom paid for sinners by none other than the Son of God Himself! Wow, what an act of deliverance.

Followers of Jesus sing because we have a new song in our hearts; a song that reminds us that we are God’s people, we are His and He is our saviour, redeemer and Lord. As we recall this privileged position God has called us into, may we continue to sing out this song (no matter how lacking in musical giftedness we may be!) May this understanding that we are His and He is our Lord, also beam out from our hearts for others and to glorify God.


Ross Grace
Executive Principal