A wonderful season of celebration is upon us! This last fortnight we have enjoyed the Thanksgiving Evening Events, including our Year 12 Graduation, and our Annual Choral Competition. We’ve also had our Awards Assemblies for both our 10-12 and 7-9 Modules.
It’s a blessing to be able to reflect with gratitude on the learning and growth of this year and the achievements – big and small – that our students have accomplished.
All reports will be sent home with students on the last day of term. If a student is not present, the report will be posted out to their home address.
Please remember that our booklists are now due and that timely purchase will ensure students start the year with the right textbooks, ready to learn.
Noone, our uniform partner, has ample stock of uniform items and we encourage families to ensure that students return with all the necessary uniform as permission to be wearing alternate items has now come to an end. Students should ensure that they are only wearing PE uniform on days when they have a timetabled PE class.
Please take care when buying new school shoes. For safety reasons in our Science laboratories, Food Technology kitchens and wood and metal work facilities, we must have students in black, laced leather school shoes – not black runners. Parents at times are talked into black runners by their children, only to find they have spent a considerable amount on shoes that must be replaced. Students are welcome to bring a pair of runners in their school bag to change into during recess and lunch on the days they are wearing standard school shoes if they wish.
And most students will need a new school hat! One in their bag and one in their locker is a good way to ensure that they always have a hat available. Three styles of the navy hat are now in stock at Noone.
We wish you every blessing over the Christmas season and pray for a happy, healthy and safe time for all our families over the break. See you in the new year!