Thank you to parents and guardians who came along to our open classroom sessions this week. The students were pleased to welcome you into their classrooms. It has been a joy to see each classroom transformed from the more basic, undecorated room at the beginning of the year into vibrant places of colour and student displays.
Learning can occur all around us, and we hope students can be active participants in learning in a variety of ways and settings. Developing inquiry and questioning in our children are important learning tools that can be fostered daily at home and translated into school life and learning. It also may begin some great family discussions and sharing times.
Some helpful questions at home to start the conversations may be: ‘What discovery did you make today?’ ‘What was the most interesting fact you came upon?’ ‘Were there any new words or stories you heard about in your room today?’ ‘What do you think you might like to learn about next?’
We always encourage inquiry in the classroom. While teachers determine our biblically-based curriculum and direct the learning, students benefit by learning from one another. Inquiry tasks may teach how to formulate and ask questions, use research and technology and to design new and interesting ways to problem solve. Our aim is to help every individual student develop a love of learning at each level.
Primary Student Leaders Embracing New Role
This week, during our Visitors Day we had the pleasure of having our Year 6 Primary leaders accompany staff as new families were introduced to our College. Congratulations to these student leaders who are already developing skills in serving our Heathdale community. Soon our student leaders will take up a new role of helping in the playground and being a friend to younger students if needed. Mr Haworth is heading up this student leadership group and we look forward to seeing more of them during events and assemblies as the year unfolds.
Our Pastoral Care Team Visits Primary
Our Pastoral care staff team are a wonderful support to staff, students and at times families, when life brings those extra challenges. Linda Timmermans, Amanda Slade, David Baird and Caleb Folkes will be seen around the school, in and out of the primary rooms and at times in the Kinder. All parents are welcome to request their expertise in any family matter that affects your child’s school life. Your child’s class teacher is the best access point for this, or alternatively, you may wish to call the Primary Office to speak to the relevant Head of Learning Module. We are thankful to this supportive team who have a number of family and child-friendly resources that can be accessed by our families too.
We give thanks to God for His goodness and His love toward each of us as this term continues.
Upcoming Events
Labour day Holiday — Monday, March 9
Parent Teacher Conversations
Thursday, March 19 & Wednesday, March 25
We hope to see all parents and guardians for this important first meeting of the year. Parents will be notified by email once online bookings are available.
Please note there is no formal report for Term 1.
Gateways — Wednesday, March 4