Heathdale flower 30th March 2022

Off To Get Inspired: Year 12 Drama Visits ‘Top Class Drama’

Hear some takeaways from our Year 12 Drama students following their excursion to Top Class Drama.

Heathdale flower

On Monday the 28th of March, the Year 12 Drama class went to see ‘Top Class Drama’ at the Arts Centre.

Top Class Drama presented performances by inspirational students who received outstanding grades for their 2021 VCE Drama performance examination. Our students saw 10 incredible original solo performances.

The concert was hosted by the Chief Assessor for VCE Drama, who provided tips and advice along the way. It was truly an inspirational day and so valuable for students to not only see what is ahead for their Drama studies but also have a strong sense of what examiners are looking for.

Some reflections from the 12 Drama students:

“My favourite part of the excursion today was getting to see first hand the hard work and dedication that the students, who performed, put into their work, which gave me a magnitude of inspiration, admiration and passion for creating my solo performance at the end of the year. Everything was interesting and I was able to pick up so many useful tips and tricks from the excursion, however the most valuable thing I took away from the day was realising the amount of practicing and rehearsing my solo performance was going to need in order to create an effective and engaging piece!” (Matthew)

“I absolutely loved the talent that was displayed by the performers. It's so inspiring to see people develop and demonstrate their strengths and create beautiful, wonderful pieces. I learnt about how important it is to have fun while creating and rehearsing for your drama solo. If you enjoy your piece, there's a much higher chance of you putting in a greater effort!”(Kalani)

“One thing I loved about today was just being with the class and being able to come together to go and watch something that will help us in the future with drama. I loved seeing how they used props and transformed them into all their solos. It was interesting to see how a simple phone could turn into a partner for a dance piece!” (Olivia)

“I loved the variety in solo structures: some being incredibly political and serious and others humorous and sarcastic. The variety in people performing and different perspectives that they took, each implementing their own special movements and touches to the performances, allowed me to see that drama is not just two dimensional, but has many different layers and meanings, that anyone doing drama can create something special, whichever route they go.” (Chloe)