National NAPLAN testing begins next Tuesday. As all our students will complete NAPLAN Online this year, we will have a longer testing period compared to the three-day window of previous years. All students have had the opportunity to practise using the new online platform and are well-prepared to undertake the tests. Here is the schedule for your child’s year level, the days and sessions.
Year 3
Tuesday 14th May - Writing
Thursday 16th May - Reading
Monday 20th May - Language Conventions
Tuesday 21st May - Numeracy
Year 5
Tuesday 14th May - Writing
Thursday 16th May - Reading
Monday 20th May - Language Conventions
Tuesday 21st May - Numeracy
Year 7
Tuesday 14th May - Writing
Friday 17th May - Reading
Monday 20th May - Language Conventions
Wednesday 22nd May - Numeracy
Year 9
Wednesday 15th May - Writing
Friday 17th May - Reading
Tuesday 21st May - Language Conventions
Wednesday 22nd May - Numeracy