Reading Roster
Additional reading volunteers would be warmly welcomed particularly for Term 3. Please contact the Junior School Office for further details regarding the roster. Our next Parents as Partners training will be on Tuesday 31st July. This training is a wonderful time to hear of the strategies we use to help our students progress in their reading and comprehension and simply enjoy the learning experience.
If you are currently on the roster, it would be wonderful if you are able to continue until the end of the year. The students always look forward to reading each morning to a parent helper and the teachers also appreciate the added attention for their students.
Thank you to all our parent helpers who assist in this Literacy program each week. Your commitment to all students is much appreciated and of significant value to the children in helping to improve their skills, fluency and understanding when reading text.
Junior School Contact
If you wish to send an email to the Junior School or to a Junior School teacher, please forward it to marked with the teacher's name or for whom it is intended.
You may also contact the Junior School Office directly on 9974 4819.
Term Dates & Student Free Days
Student Free Day – Friday 8th June (Kinder sessions are normal)
Queen's Birthday Holiday – Monday 11th June
Last day of Term 2 - Friday 29th June
Students commence Term 3 – Monday 23rd July
Last day of Term 3 – Friday 21st September
Students commence Term 4 – Monday 8th October
Heathdale Holiday & Melbourne Cup Holiday – Monday 5th & Tuesday 6th November (all students)
Student Free Days – Friday 23rd November (Kinder sessions are normal)
Last day of Term 4 – Wednesday 12th December
Lunch Orders
Please ensure lunch orders are entered online before 9.30am on the day of ordering. If possible, please complete orders in advance to avoid forgotten orders.
Students who don't have lunch will be given a vegemite or cheese sandwich from the canteen (no other menu items are available) and the $3.00 payment will need to be reimbursed the next day.
After School Procedures
Junior School students should be collected by parents from near their classrooms at 3.10pm. Staff supervised waiting areas after this time for Years 1-4 are the basketball courts and the asphalt adjoining the main car park. Junior School students should be supervised to cross safely to cars in our carparks. Students remaining uncollected after school will be taken or sent to the Junior School Office in K Block for parents or emergency carers to be contacted to collect the student.
To ensure the safety and well-being of our students after school, please remind your child that they should take themselves to the Junior School Office if they are still waiting for pick up at 3.30pm.
As all playground areas are closed after school we kindly ask parents who are on campus after 3.10pm, to ensure their child does not play on the equipment. Please note that Camp Australia is on site and your child can be booked in online should you be unexpectedly detained after school.
Thank you to all parents and guardians for assisting us to keep all students safe and cared for after school finishes for the day.
Student Free Day
Friday 8th June will be a student free day and staff will be involved in finalising reports, professional development and curriculum planning. Please note that the kinder groups will still be operating on this day.
Camp Australia may be contacted on 1300 105 343 or go to their website for all daily bookings and for the student free days.