If you’re anything like me, you’d have been seeing a change in your secondary school aged child’s homework habits over the last week or so. What I’ve noticed is a slow but steady decrease in the number of assignments being worked, less daily homework and more ‘But I wasn’t given any’. At which point Dad’s demeanour changes and the interrogation begins… at least it normally would. I’ve been playing a new trump card this year: ‘What about your exams? How’s your study going?’
At this time of year, we should all be seeing a drop off in the number of assignments and homework tasks being set for our children. With examinations only two weeks away – less for Year 11 – we have been consciously reducing the amount of set work so students can prepare themselves through self-directed study. A quick reminder of what that should look like at each Year Level is:
Year 9 – 1.5 hrs/day or 7.5 hrs/week
Year 10 – 2 hrs/day or 10 hrs/week
Year 11 – 2.5 hrs/day or 12.5 hrs/week
Year 12 – 3 hrs/day or 15 hrs/week
With exams so close, students should be meeting or exceeding these targets as they revise. If you feel that your child might need a little encouragement, we’re only a phone call away.
God bless.