Heathdale flower 04th February 2021

He Knows!

2021 is here, and while we've got plenty to look forward to, we don't know everything that's in store. Thankfully, God knows it all in advance.

Heathdale flower

I awoke to the alarm on Tuesday and instantly thought, this IS the day! This is the day the students are back, bring it on!!! I wondered how many hardly slept from excitement or nerves? How many would bound into school and how many would need a little extra encouragement?

From 8am, the school grounds were abuzz with noise, activity and life like the College hasn’t seen for over six weeks. It was energising to be out and welcoming back students along with their families.

Later that morning, we held separate Welcome Back assemblies for the Primary and Secondary Schools. I was able to read to the students one of my favourite verses, Isaiah 58:9-11. It reads: “Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: ‘Here am I.’ The LORD will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”

As we stand at the start of the 2021 school year, there are some things we know that will happen such as:

- Being able to use the new Prep Multipurpose Space at Werribee.

- Seeing new buildings on both campuses and the expansion of the area outside the Werribee gym to give secondary students some additional recreation space.

- Seeing and hearing many of our gifted musical students perform in assemblies and other concerts.

- Students learning new things and skills, homework being handed in on time and attend sporting carnivals.

In 2021 there are also going to be some things we hope will happen:

- Receive a great mark for a piece of work or recognition award.

- Be part of the winning house this year.

- Able to see the Olympic Games being held in Tokyo

As for me, I just hope the mighty Kangaroos might win more than three games of AFL!

However, there are areas where I have no idea of what 2021 has in store. As I try to imagine the possibilities, my mind goes blank!

God’s mind is never blank, nor does he ‘hope’ for things to happen.

For Him, He already knows what’s going to happen month by month, week by week, day by day and even by the hour, minute and second! Nothing will catch Him by surprise as nothing will happen outside of His knowledge.

As the writer of Isaiah suggests, ‘He is there in the midst of it all. Because He knows, He is able to effectively lead and guide us each step of the way, continually refreshing, strengthening and sustaining us.’

When Heathdale Christian College commenced in 1982, there were a total of 37 students and a few teachers gathered on the first day. As we start 2021, there are just under 2000 students and more than 170 teachers over both campuses!!

Not even an amazing fact such as this catches God by surprise. He knows this and He knows the name of each and every student, staff member, and all the members of this great community including all the mums, dads, uncles, aunts, grandparents, friends!

God knew that HCC would grow to this size over 39 years. He knows how big Heathdale will be in in 139 years! God knows what is happening. He knows and has been able to guide us each step of the way for the past 39 years.

He is a faithful God as He promises to continue to refresh, strengthen and sustain us today, tomorrow and forevermore. As we commence the 2021 school year we do so by saying, ‘Thanks be to you, God! Thank you for the way you have guided us in the past and will do so this year and into the future.’

No wonder we had such a great start to this year. The presence that underpins this vibrant community is God’s. He is the all-knowing One who loves us so deeply that He knows our name and the thoughts we hold deep in our heart and mind. How blessed we are to be part of such a great community.

May 2021 be a year of God’s richest blessing over all our students, staff, parents and guardians.