As pillars of student leadership within our Heathdale community, our College Captains play a crucial role in shaping the student experience and fostering a sense of unity and pride. A Q&A with our Captains offers the school community an opportunity to delve into their personalities, passions and visions. Join us in getting to know the young people behind the titles!
Tell us about yourself!
“My name is Geta, and I am one of the College Captains for 2024. I have been at Heathdale since Year 5, and I am currently in VCE studying English Language, Chemistry, Latin, Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics. My favourite subject is Latin, as it’s a subject with a small class with not many people, meaning I’ve gotten close to the students and our teacher. It’s an interesting subject because you not only learn the language but about the culture of that time period.” Getadegu Gebremichael, College Captain
“My name is Chloe, and I am one of the College Captains for 2024. I have been at Heathdale since Kinder which makes 14 years, and I am proud to be an Original. My favourite subjects, outside Recess and Lunch, has got to be Art. There is freedom in creativity, and you can design and make anything that comes to mind. I love the trial and error and the whole progress which tells a story and gives meaning to the piece.” Chloe Zimmerman, College Captain
“My name is Michael, and I am one of the College Vice-Captains for 2024. I have attended Heathdale since I was in Year 5 in 2017, and started attending at the Melton campus, however I shifted to the Werribee campus for Year 7 in 2019 as they did not have secondary at Melton at the time. My favourite subject would probably be either VET Music or Geography, as they both provide intriguing content that is applicable to the current real world.” Michael Lozanovski, College Vice-Captain
“My name is Endria, and I am one of the College Vice-Captains for 2024. I have been at Heathdale since Kinder, so this year I will be completing 14 years at Heathdale. I think my favourite subject from Secondary school would be Food Tech in Year 7, it was such a fun experience and at the end of the day we always enjoyed our baked goods. Now the subject I’m the most dedicated to is Maths, and as ironic as it is, it is an interesting subject.” Endria Ang, College Vice-Captain
What inspired you to run for College Captain/Vice-Captain?
“In Year 5 I had a Year 8 buddy, Paul, who I looked up too. He ended up becoming my basketball coach as well as College Captain in 2021. Paul was a great example and an approachable person in the same way I’d like to be approachable. This memory was in the back of my mind when I thought about whether I should apply or not, and toward the deadline, my CLS teacher, Mr. Ricketts, encouraged me to apply, and here we are.” Getadegu Gebremichael, College Captain
“I have a passion for helping and being there for people and I am grateful I have this position where I can do this and, amongst it all, spread the gospel and talk about Jesus. Past Captains have really inspired me to go for this role. I remember being in Prep, seeing these big kids get on stage or come around to the playground and say ‘hi’ or talk to us about Jesus and we thought they were so cool. I may not be as cool, but I would love to make that same impact on them like they did for me.” Chloe Zimmerman, College Captain
“Something that inspired me the most is that captaincy creates an opportunity for God's will to be done in my life in such a way that it hopefully benefits and is a blessing to others.” Michael Lozanovski, College Vice-Captain
“Ever since entering Year 7, I’ve been fascinated with the Year 12s and how they lived out their last year of high school. One of the blessings of entering Year 12 was the leadership opportunities that allowed younger students to observe how Year 12s participated in activities. I would have liked to guide and encourage other students in House activities because it is such a good bonding experience between different grades. But then I received the opportunity for a College leadership position, and this idea opened up more possibilities to not only reach Secondary school students but also Primary school students.” Endria Ang, College Vice-Captain
What do you hope to achieve during your time as College Captain/Vice-Captain?
“During my time as College Captain, I hope to make the most of my last year here at Heathdale. I hope to get involved with students throughout the College, both in Primary and Secondary. I’d like to help strengthen the sense of community within our school and I hope to give the younger students a positive role model to look up to both academically and spiritually.” Getadegu Gebremichael, College Captain
“I would really enjoy being around the younger grades, getting to know them and joining in on classes or lunch times, and being that older kid that they can talk to and have fun with. I really want to do a devotion for each year level and spread the gospel and the love of Jesus to everyone but from a younger person of faith. Likewise, I would love to be involved in the older levels, and we are still working on ideas for what that might look like. I also want to share God’s love through whatever ever I do, may it be up the front or amongst people.” Chloe Zimmerman, College Captain
“I hope to make the year more enjoyable for everyone and bring the school closer together as a community.” Michael Lozanovski, College Vice-Captain
“After our experience in Canberra at the Compass School Leaders’ Conference, my fellow Captains and I have many ideas and hopes that we would like to introduce to the different grades. My faith has changed for the better and opened up my eyes to a deeper side of Christianity. I truly learnt a lot from the conference in Canberra and I hope that I’ll be able to implement what I’ve learnt and use that to help further grow my own faith but also my fellow peers’ understanding of Christ.” Endria Ang, College Vice-Captain
What takes up your spare time outside of school?
“Being in Year 12, I don’t really have that much spare time, but outside of school, I love to play soccer and go to the gym when I can. When I’m free on Friday, I try to go to church for youth to end off the week nicely.” Getadegu Gebremichael, College Captain
“I really enjoy taking long walks around a local river or even riding my bike and seeing how far I can explore before heading home. I also really enjoy music and listening to it at any chance I get.” Chloe Zimmerman, College Captain
“I help out with setting up the sound systems at my church as well as assisting with teaching the Sunday school once every few weeks. Outside of helping my church, I enjoy writing, recording and mixing my own songs, and I am planning on releasing a full-length album soon.” Michael Lozanovski, College Vice-Captain
“I enjoy music and swimming. I joined the school orchestra in Year 6 and received a lot of encouragement to keep performing. I started swimming at a young age and loved every moment. The first time I joined the Swimming and Athletics CSEN teams was in Year 7, and it pushed me to continue my swimming even throughout my high school years.” Endria Ang, College Vice-Captain
What is your current aspiration for life after Secondary school?
“My current aspiration for life after Secondary school is to go to university and study something health-related such as Physiotherapy, or maybe Engineering. I’m sure either career would be rewarding, but most importantly, I hope to grow in my faith as a Christian.” Getadegu Gebremichael, College Captain
“I am really interested in becoming a Primary Teacher and working with young kids. Primary Teachers shaped a lot of my early life and there are so many things I can remember that help me and inspire me. I would also like to have that same positive impact on the next generation and get to know my students.” Chloe Zimmerman, College Captain
“I want to continue in songwriting and studying music at a tertiary level, and hopefully that can lead to me being able to help others record, mix and master songs.” Michael Lozanovski, College Vice-Captain
“After Secondary school I would like to peruse a career in Radiology and hopefully find my own path in learning and growing in my career and also in my faith in Christ.” Endria Ang, College Vice-Captain