We are excited to commence our student uniform review this month. This will be a major uniform review that will provide recommended changes and a new uniform design for students that covers academic and PE/sport uniforms. Once changes are finalised and introduced to you, we are committed to then providing a two-year implementation period.
Feedback will be provided from staff, parents/guardians and students in the form of major surveys. Parents were sent this survey earlier this week; if you have not received this yet, please email questions@heathdale.vic.edu.au
Further to this, we invite parents/guardians that would like to be involved in the Uniform Focus Groups over the coming six months to express their interest. These focus group meetings will occur predominantly online (Teams), during business hours.
We are seeking parents/guardians that have a particular interest or experience in the textiles or clothing industry.
TO REGISTER your interest:
Complete the form at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZXRXPFM and we will then be in contact.
Contact: questions@heathdale.vic.edu.au with any queries you may have.