Heathdale flower 10th November 2022

End of Year Events

From exams to a Fit2Drive presentation with our Year 11s, Secondary students have been very busy! With much more to come, make sure you pencil in the following dates for the remainder of the term.

Heathdale flower

Our Secondary students are all very busy at this time of the year. Year 7-10 students are revising and preparing for next week’s exams. Year 11 students have stepped up to Early Start and begun their Year 12 courses, and this year’s graduating class are still coming and going for their final VCE exams which finish up next week.

Last Friday, our Year 11 students participated in a series of workshops run by Fit2Drive. Knowing that many of our students will soon be on the roads with L or P plates, we want them to understand the risks and responsibilities for young drivers.

Things continue to be full of activity in the final weeks of the term after exams as well:

Student Free Day – 18th November

Year 9 Sustainability Project Presentation Evening – 24th November

Spring Fair – 26th of November

Year 10 Empathy Days – 28th & 29th November

Thanksgiving Evening & Year 12 Graduation – 30th November

Choral Competition – 9th December

Year 7 Solar-Buddy Project – 13th December

Year 8 Day Out – 13th December

Year 9 Celebration Activities – 13th December

Last Day for Students – 14th December

A reminder that students will need to be in formal school uniform for our Thanksgiving Evening on Nov 30th and it may be worth checking that uniform items are in good order for this evening.