Heathdale flower 23rd June 2022

Encouragement in the Everday

We have an abundance of gifted students here at Heathdale, and it is our honour to inspire and guide them to develop their God-given potential. Whether through formal awards or naming and encouraging acts of service, we want them to understand how valued they are in our community.

Heathdale flower

Over these last few weeks of Term 2 we have had several assemblies where students have been honoured through awards. As I have said in these assemblies, it has been wonderful to be able celebrate student success. Additionally, it has been fabulous to see so many parents onsite supporting our student body.

In previous newsletters, I have discussed our Christian faith. Christian Schools have been established by Christian communities, by both churches and groups of Christian parents who have yearned to educate in ways that are consistent with their particular approach to the Christian faith. As a Christian school, Heathdale Christian College seeks to affirm that all people are made in the image of God; all are special and unique. As a Christian community, we seek to value the giftedness of all and are aware that students are variously gifted. Some students may be numerically gifted and others may be musically gifted. Other students may be great at writing, yet others may be gifted at a particular sport.

Class awards are a tremendous way to encourage and celebrate achievements. However, we need to remember that an award is but one way we can celebrate the giftedness of individual students; it is not the only way. My encouragement to all is to find ways to continually encourage young people. That is, for example, to encourage generosity when we see it, encourage service when we see it, encourage faithfulness when we see it and encourage excellence. Ultimately, we should be finding ways to build up the young people in our care every day, so that they can understand how valued they are as the special and unique young people that we share school life with.

Building Developments

It is very exciting that we are again in the process of beginning another building redevelopment here at the Melton campus. As I hope you are aware, the Melton campus of Heathdale Christian College currently spans Prep to Year 9. Works on the classroom block closest to the main carpark are beginning this week; this “new” building will house four classrooms and be utilised next year for our first Year 10 cohort. While the work area will be clearly marked using temporary fencing, please be mindful of the works as you are moving through the school.

With Term 2 concluding this week, I certainly hope that all families can enjoy some time together over this three-week winter break. Please remember that Term 3 starts on Monday 18th July.