Back in the Swing of Things
It was a cold morning but a warm welcome back on Tuesday as the final year levels returned to campus life. There are some new routines to get used to but what a joy it was to see familiar faces and get back to the classroom. Removing mid-year exams means our students can have three solid weeks of teaching and revision to finish off the term well and get set for Semester Two.
Reports are just around the corner and will be mailed out to parents during the mid-year break. Parent-teacher interviews will be held online on the evenings of the 21st and 23rd of July. Parents will receive information on how to book their interviews with their child/ren’s reports.
Crazy Sock Day
While we were all in remote learning, we received news that our Crazy Sock day raised the highest amount of money for the World Bicycle Relief fundraiser! $2002 – what an awesome effort! World Bicycle Relief delivers specially-designed, locally-assembled, rugged bicycles for people in need. They empower students, health workers, and entrepreneurs in rural developing regions with life-changing mobility. Thanks to all the students and teachers who participated (and one happy Executive Principal who loves socks).
Planning for the Future
Our Year 11 students are currently having one-on-one interviews with Mrs Vicky Bawden, our Pathways Coordinator. These interviews assist students as they reflect on their subject selections, progress so far, and future goals to ensure they are on track for a successful next-step post Year 12. These mid-year interviews are just one example of how our Careers and Pathways planning helps students work towards their potential. Beginning in Year 9, regular coaching, careers testing, interviews, and research opportunities are part of the process for all our students through their final secondary years.
Coming up in August will be some essential information and subject selections nights for VCE, VCAL, Year 9 and Year 10 students and parents. This year, we will hold these information nights remotely, allowing you to tune in from home. Information on how to join will be sent to parents early in Term 3 and we look forward to connecting with you on those evenings.
VCE/VCAL Info Night — August 12th, 7:00pm
VTAC Parent Info Night — August 20th, 7:00pm
Year 9 Info Night — August 25th, 6:30pm
Year 10 Info Night — August 25th, 7:30 pm