Students from our four Houses, Carey, Judson, Stanway and Taylor, debated topics that asked about whether or not Artificial Intelligence (AI) was a social good and if the Fashion Industry was socially evil.
Judson and Stanway discussed the benefits and risks of Artificial Intelligence. I was surprised that Cybernetics (from the Terminator) and the Matrix weren’t mentioned as reasons for why we shouldn’t be encouraging AI. Maybe it was a little too old for the students? Kabir Gupta from Stanway was the best speaker for the first debate. He spoke eloquently and with a clear point of view about how artificial intelligence was not a social good.
The second debate started off with a clarification of the topic as one team thought the wording of the topic was ‘that Fashion is a social evil’, however, the actual topic was ‘that the Fashion Industry was a social evil.’ This one key word: ‘Industry’, was the difference between the two Houses, with both Carey and Taylor giving it their all. In the end, Carey prevailed over Taylor with substance, as well as debating the actual topic. The best speaker for this debate was Isabella Roesler with Jack Beech a close second.
Well done to all debaters and also to Miss Harris and Mr. Ricketts for adjudicating the competition. It’s never easy getting up in front of your peers and speaking. All students who participated should be congratulated on a job well done.