NAPLAN is behind us and Secondary exams are beginning, yet despite our students being under a little bit of pressure in their academic studies they still have found time and opportunities to serve our global communities in these challenging times of COVID. Research supports that balance in a student’s life – particularly as they travel towards VCE – produces happier and more well-rounded children who are more likely to reach their academic potential. It is wonderful to see this happening at our school. Recently, College captain Ashley, put together an amazing fundraising event in support of our Indian brothers and sisters.
Read what Ashley had to say about what our community has achieved:
On the 19th of May, the Melton campus held a fundraising event to raise awareness and money for the COVID-19 disaster occurring currently in India. As many of our Melton community have friends and family living in India, it was a practical gesture to show our support, not only in prayer, but by also giving some coins to help those in need.
The school would like to thank everyone for their generous donations. A special thank you goes to 5A, who were the class that raised the most money (we trust that they will enjoy their class prize). Overall, the school managed to raise $1589.80, which will be sent to the Sood Charity Foundation and ear-marked for COVID relief. Again, a big thankyou to all involved.
Well done Ashley and the College community for volunteering time and money and demonstrating our love for each other and Jesus.
Playground Reminder
In other news a reminder for when we return to campus. The four playgrounds on the campus are not open for children or their siblings before and after school. During the school day we have ratios of students to staff for safety and first aid. It is not possible to provide this before and after school for the whole community so we ask that parents refrain from allowing their children to play on the playgrounds at this time. Students are not allowed on site before 8.10am when we have staff starting their duty. If you need your child to be at school before this time we will ask that you use Big Child Care. Additionally, school finishes at 3.10pm and your child needs to be picked up from school at this time. If this is not the case we will additionally be asking you to use Big Child Care or find other arrangements. If you need information about Big Chid Care please pop into our front office or call our admin team. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Secondary Exams
While there may be slight adjustments to the schedule to account for the current lockdown, Secondary exams have started. Students have made a wonderful start and are taking them very seriously. Students should be completing approximately 20 minutes of study per subject per night for Years 7 and 8 exams. This is in addition to revision in class. It is more beneficial to interleave subjects in 20-30 minute blocks rather than doing only one subject per night. Cramming may work for some but it doesn’t promote life-long learning. Every student needs a good night’s sleep, exercise and healthy food to manage any anxieties at this time. If your child is unsure of how to revise; tried and true methods of cue cards, mind mapping and practice questions are an excellent start. If you as a parent would like some help in assisting your child’s preparation, please do not hesitate to contact their subject teacher. We look forward to seeing their half-yearly progress where every child should be approximately six months ahead of where they were in December.