Junior School News - Lyn Moffett
Welcome back to Term 2. The holidays have been a great time to rest and be ready for this new term. This week, our students have each slipped quietly back into the routines of school life, and are once more demonstrating their enthusiasm and joy in new learning. It is always a joy to see our students happily engaged and telling holiday experiences and stories with their friends and teachers. Some of their work is proudly displayed in their classrooms and parents are encouraged to take a few moments to enjoy the presentations adorning the windows and doorways.
A reminder that this term our students are required to wear their winter uniform, unless the weather is predicted to be quite high, in which case, summer uniform is an option. However, it does need to be one or the other and not a combination of seasonal uniform items please. More information regarding uniform requirements is available on the website, or speak to your child’s teacher.
I pray that every student in Junior School will enjoy the term as they participate in the many events and activities at each year level. Staff look forward to continuing the partnerships forged with parents and guardians to help every student achieve growth in their learning across all areas of the curriculum. Please do make time to communicate any particular concerns or queries to your child’s teacher, or send an inquiry via the Junior School Office. jnr.enquiries@heathdale.vic.edu.au
We are thankful that we serve a mighty God who loves us and guides us through Jesus, as we trust in Him each day.
Parents as Partners Training
For those parents who are interested in assisting with the Reading Program on a weekly basis, and who haven’t as yet attended a ‘Parents as Partners’ Workshop, we encourage you to attend the next training session on Tuesday 30th April from 8:45-10:00am. Please register your name via the Junior School Office.
Literacy Workshop
A workshop to explain our Literacy program and how you might help your child at home, will be held on Tuesday 7th May at 2.00pm-3.00pm and Wednesday 8th May 8:45-9:45am in the ELC Multi-Purpose Room. Please inform Nadine in the JS Office of your intention to attend. We look forward to seeing you there.
JS Assembly
Our next assemblies will be held on Tuesday 30th April with classes attending at the following times:
9:40am Assembly 1: PC PN PL PP 1D 1G 1W 2C 2H 3K 3Z 4C 4L
11:00am Assembly 2: PD PE PW 1E 1H 1S 2B 2R 3C 3O 4G 4P
Parents are welcome to attend.
Melton Primary - Yvonne Harvey
Of all the exciting things happening around our Melton campus, top billing has to go to our commencement of Year 7 in 2020! I have already been conducting interviews with students who will form our inaugural secondary class next year, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. In that vein, here are…
7 Reasons Why I'm Excited About Starting Yr 7 in 2020!
1. Continuous education - Children can continue their education with us at Heathdale from year 6 onwards! We also have an opportunity to revamp the timetable based on the latest educational research where we will have a significant increase in the teaching of the core subjects of Maths, English and Science. This will further consolidate learning for their futures.
2. Over the next six months we will be creating the new makerspace for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) where children (primary and secondary) will have the opportunity to find community and global solutions to current issues. STEM is now seen as one of the major priorities in student learning for the future.
3. More staff! - We will be looking to employ a mathematics/science/STEM specialist teacher to work alongside Catherine Colborne who has been secured to be the Year 7 homeroom teacher. Catherine is an excellent secondary teacher who is looking forward to this phase in our school.
4. Performing arts and Visual arts staff are busy looking at their curriculum to teach eight short courses in each domain lasting for five weeks each. Each short course will focus on a different medium or genre within the subject, they will be short, snappy and engaging.
5. Year 7 students will learn through a curriculum that is digitally infused. Each student will be provided with their own device that will be used as a tool to enhance learning. There will be lots to learn as parents and children navigate their way through a 1:1 device classroom.
6. French will continue to be the language taught and we will move into the AIM program. We will create a language centre where students, staff and parents will experience French immersion. Be prepared for Mrs Mckiernan to speak to you in French.
7. Year 7 students will have brand new lockers and furniture coming soon!
Most of all I am excited as this progression gives Melton an opportunity to have Christ-centred Secondary school learning in the West. We will teach your child with academic rigour through the love of God so they can reach their God-given potential as they move into early adolescence.
Bring on all that Term 2 offers!
Middle School News - Deborah Letcher
The High Points of Down-time
It can be easy to underestimate the value of ‘down-time’. If you have a teenager or two in your house, you might be familiar with the very late mornings and frequent ‘nothingness’ that seems to occupy much of their time in school holidays. Perhaps it even frustrates you when you still have commitments of your own to maintain while they seem to be sleeping the day away!
But rest can be as purposeful a part of life as work. Rest is good for the mind as well as the body. Teenagers are going through such an enormous time of physical growth as well as finding their place in life socially and emotionally. Real, deep rest can be a valuable opportunity for them to refuel and provide a little breathing space to be themselves away from the crowd.
As we head back into routines, some students find the return to school life a little daunting. It can be hard to get organised again and meet up with lots of other students all over again. Some children need more help at the start of a term to get back into the swing of things.
Families can help by:
- Encouraging students to check their timetables carefully and pack their bags the night before to help prevent last minute scrambles.
- Having school uniform items organised and easy to find.
- Keeping healthy snacks available for lunchboxes and afterschool.
- Ensuring students to get back into the routine of good sleep.
Positive conversations help too. We all have a bias towards the negative – we tend to remember what didn’t go well – but we can encourage ourselves to see a more balanced picture by taking time to consciously remember the positive as well. Discussions at mealtimes or before bed about “What went right today?”, “What are you thankful for today?” or “What were you most confident in doing today?” can help your child to search for the good and great in their day, rather than only being conscious of the negatives.
We hope your family is having a great first week of school and we look forward to a very productive term of learning.
Senior School News - Graeme Hallett
Easter Reflections
It was wonderful over the Easter weekend to reflect on Christ’s great work: God’s love for his creation displayed on the cross, his “act of righteousness (which is) justification that brings life for all men.” (Romans 5:18) This message - of Christ crucified, yet risen - is one that has given believers hope, strength and peace for two thousand years, and continues to do so for more than two billion believers today.
I was also reflecting on the many demands on our students’ time, energy and focus coming up in the form of NAPLAN, the GAT, examinations, Musical Rehearsals, the Tyndale Exchange, all on top of their normal, daily pressures. These activities are all important as they help our students to grow in their learning, skills, character and understanding but, as the term progresses, we pray they grow as well in their understanding of Christ crucified, raised and reigning.