Heathdale flower 22nd June 2022

Celebrating Progress

With reports going out for delivery over the break, we just want to say that after six months of schooling this year, it has been a blessing to see just how much Primary students have blossomed in their learning.

Heathdale flower

Reports and the end of Semester 1 brings a time to celebrate learning growth. Your child has now completed six months of education, where they should be six months or more further along in their learning journey no matter where they started. At Heathdale, we aim to develop your child's God-given potential and give them a year's worth of learning or more in every subject; this is for every student.

Reports can always be a little anxiety provoking, especially this year as we have our new look reports.

Let's take a journey into some students learning. Below you will see the work of a student in Year 1.

Here is the work from February:

Here is the progress by May, only three months later:

Another example is a student in Year 6, where the pre-teaching testing in maths compared to post-teaching testing went up by 36% and reading Fountas and Pinnell progression has also moved several stages.

There is so much to celebrate for every child. When they too can see how they have progressed, it helps them to understand their own learning journey.

Please do take some time these holidays to explore what your child has learnt over the past six months. Enjoy your well-earned breaks everyone!