Welcome back to the start of Term 2, and a very special welcome to the families of the ten new students who began their Heathdale Christian College Melton education earlier this week!
I certainly do hope that all families were able to reflect on the Gospel over the Easter period. Personally, it has been wonderful to have our sermons at church now centred around the resurrection accounts. Easter is a tremendous time for the Christian community. It is great to be able to focus on Good Friday, to understand what it means that God sent his son to die for us. That “He is risen” message of Easter Sunday, that Jesus is now resurrected Lord, is a key pillar of our faith. Reading those resurrection accounts, including Thomas’ experience, at church has been very special as I have been reminded that even the earliest disciples of Jesus struggled with the fact that death could not hold him.
On the first day of this beautiful autumnal week, the Melton campus of Heathdale Christian College gathered in our sunlit courtyard, and around the flagpoles as together we commemorated ANZAC Day. It was a very solemn event where we were able to pay respects to the ANZACs, for those who have served and continue to serve in the Australian armed forces.
One of the beautiful things about school life is getting the opportunity to partner together in the education of the children. As I write this, there are many parents nearby engaging in those important conversations as part of our Primary school parent-teacher meetings. It is also lovely to see so many parents attending our regular assemblies. Next week, there is an extra opportunity to come and support your children. On Wednesday we have our annual Athletics Carnival for students in Years 3-10 at the Melton City Little Athletics Centre, Strathtulloh. Should you be available, please feel free to come and support the children as they enjoy their sports day.
May we pray for each other as we engage in Christian schooling here this term.