As well as an abundance of chocolates, cards, thank-yous and one adorably squishable soft toy from my students all over Year 7 and 8, this year I also received a special end-of-year gift from one of my Latin students—an original rap written by Giaan from Year 8 with some contributions from Seeret. As the girls presented their rap to me in class, I was thrilled to hear her including some Latin words (and grammar!) that students have learnt through studying Latin in Year 7 and 8 (like magistra, discipulī and omnēs, meaning teacher, students and everyone; grātiās tibi agō and libenter, meaning thank you and with pleasure/you're welcome), as well as honorable mentions of an epic story that we studied in Year 8 (The Judgement of Paris - the mythological lead-up story to the Trojan War) and even Sacrī Pullī (The Sacred Chickens), a somewhat 'silly', but in fact largely historical and true, story that both Year 7s and Year 8s had a little introduction to at the end of the year. Thank you to Giaan, Seeret and all of my lovely students in Year 7 and Year 8. I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you Latin (and some of you Chinese) and learning, laughing and growing with you all. Have a blessed holiday and wonderful Christmas time.
王老师 / Miss Wang / Magistra Wang
"This is a rap for my Magistra
She's so fun just like my big sista
This rap is written by all the puella's
The Judgement of Paris and Sacrī Pullī
We learned these things and we learned them fully
The aircon is cold, it blows air coolly
The discipulī, we amāmus you truly
Sometimes we just get a little bit silly
The puerī can be a little bit stinky