In 1994, UNESCO proclaimed a World Teachers’ Day to celebrate the work of teachers. This was to mount a campaign to give the world a better understanding of the role teachers play in the development of students and society. They partner with the private sector and media organisations to achieve this purpose. More than 100 countries commemorate World Teachers Day, each with its own celebrations.
The theme of World Teachers Day for 2023 is ‘The Teachers We Need for the Education We Want.’ Teachers are at the heart of education, and in many countries are leaving the profession they love, and fewer young people are aspiring to become one. UNESCO estimates that the world needs over 69 million new teachers by 2030 – a sobering statistic.
Bringing this closer to home in Victoria, in March 2023, we were 1000 teachers short for the state, and this number is still growing. However, God has blessed us at Heathdale Christian College. We continue to recruit and maintain high-quality Christian teachers and general staff so we can provide the education we all desire, that God wants.
I am sure you can remember the COVID days when, as parents, you were the supporting teacher for the day, week, and following months. So many parents said to me how hard it was. As teachers, we love our profession, and the support for each other and the families we have here at Heathdale is unquestionable. Sometimes though, people naturally get tired or a little lower in morale and need a boost; the best way to boost our staff is to give them a word of encouragement.
When we put out the email last week asking for parent stories of encouragement for our staff, we received an incredible 67 stories overnight. How delighted we have been reading through these. Thank you.
This week, I emailed all parents asking if they could find a few minutes to sit with their child and write a note to their teacher about why they appreciate them. Yet, Friday 27th October isn’t just about teachers for us, it is about all the staff who work at Heathdale, this includes maintenance, IT, Learning Assistants, Leadership, Canteen, etc., and all those who work behind the scenes to make the day special. So, if you have a few more minutes, a note to those other than teachers would also be wonderful.
Other places you can go to show your appreciation and even nomination include the Department of Education and Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership.
May I take this opportunity to thank our staff myself. Heathdale is, quite frankly, an incredible place to work. I have never experienced anything like it, and it is a joy to come to work every day. The staff I see here work very hard to ensure every child counts and that they see Christ's joy every day. Thank you to all who continue to make this school a better place.