3 & 4-Year-Old Kindergarten

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Heathdale flower Learning

3-Year-Old Kindergarten launching in 2025

In 2025, we are excited to extend our offering of Christian education to introduce 3-Year-Old Kindergarten at our Werribee campus! The learning journey in Kindergarten will extend over two years in 2025, where children spend one year in 3-Year-Old Kindergarten and the following year in 4-Year-Old Kindergarten. Over the course of their learning journey, children will be involved in a structured, quality play-based learning program that helps support their development.

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The excitement of our current Kindergarten students is often reflected through the laughter and chatter you hear as you approach our purpose built Kindergarten rooms.

Their zeal and enthusiasm as they begin their journey of educational influence, outside of their main family, is almost contagious. These young, impressionable little people soak up and grow in the knowledge around them through play and interaction with staff and other students.

A healthy learning environment is created where children are loved, cared for and respected as individuals who belong to communities. The children begin to know who they are and what they can achieve by Believing, Belonging and Becoming the person God created them to be.

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Core Subjects

Our Kindergarten program is structured through a series of informal and directed play–based activities to allow the children to learn how to listen to instructions, make friendships, share, be honest, add to their own knowledge and grow as learners. It is through their innate curiosity, exploration and engagement with peers and educators that children begin to make sense of God’s world and the valuable part they play within their community.

To help our children develop into successful and confident learners, they will be immersed in environments that encourage them to explore multiple perspectives and ways of working. We encourage play-based learning where children will engage in nature play, indoor/outdoor play, song and dance, messy play and games, all within a Christian learning environment. Children also learn Maths, Literacy, Science, French, Music and PE basics.

Please note we do not provide childcare outside of kindergarten program hours.

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Learning Framework

We are informed by current research and practices throughout our Kindergarten program, as this is the beginning of the formal learning journey for students. More information can be founding the Victorian Early Years Learning framework, and via the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.