About Heathdale Christian College

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn away from it. Proverbs 22:6

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Heathdale flower About


The College is a Company limited by guarantee and has a duly elected Board. This group of dedicated volunteers uses their skills, knowledge and wisdom to establish the strategic direction of the College. We are continually blessed through their loyalty and commitment to Christian education, their forward strategic thinking and their devotion to the College.

The Board has entrusted the Executive Principal, Ross Grace, to develop and implement the plans to fulfil this strategic direction. Ross and the Director of Business Services attend and participate in all Board discussions as non-voting members.

Matthew Wilson

Board Chair

Darren Gardiner

Deputy Board Chair

Kalli Green


Amanda Newton

Board Member

Stan Richey

Board Member

Penny Telfer

Board Member

Ashley Battle

Board Member

Victoria Gatt

Board Member

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Matthew Wilson

Board Chair

Darren Gardiner

Deputy Board Chair

Kalli Green


Amanda Newton

Board Member

Stan Richey

Board Member

Penny Telfer

Board Member

Ashley Battle

Board Member

Victoria Gatt

Board Member

Heathdale flower About